Okay, these first two pictures are actually not on the same day as the rest, but they fit the theme, so I've included them!

Friday night was an open house for Becca and Chad. I ran into Joy Kong (recently married) and Brady & Jennifer there. It was fun to see everyone, even though I get to see Brady more often. It was fun to hang out in a different setting.

Becca and Chad have been married for a few years, but he got baptized a little over a year ago and they got sealed on Saturday. This picture is funny because they still have dirty faces from shoving cake at each other.

This is Saturday now, with my better camera too. This is just after they had come out of the temple after the sealing, which was amazing!

Here's their cute family! The kids weren't too happy with the photo session.

I thought they all looked so cute!

Even though it was slightly overcast, it was so bright out there! I was glad I had my sunglasses!

This is right after they were trying to get a picture kissing their kids on the cheeks.

As I was getting ready to leave the temple, I ran in to Bro. Mercado who was leaving as well. He used to work the Wednesday night shift with me at the temple. He's hilarious. He was using his cane as a guitar to pose for this picture.

Later on that day, Collette and I made a little trip to Brenham to see the wildflowers - Bluebonnets mostly. We found some awesome fields!

I liked this shot of Collette with the bluebonnets in the background.

This field was just off the road. People were pulled over right off the highway and there were tons of people there taking pictures.

They were pretty high. We found a good spot to fit right in there.

Too bad I look like a dork in all of my pictures!

I took A LOT of pictures. You're just getting small portion!

Since we were in Brenham, we made a stop by the Blue Bell factory.

We got there just as they were closing, but they did hand out some free ice cream sandwiches!

We saw this little field by the factory and had to get a few more pictures because this field had Indian Paintbrushes as well and the other field didn't.

Okay, I didn't actually take this one. My mom got this one of my dad yesterday at a cemetery. I thought he'd be making a silly face, but I think it's a nice picture of him! Good job, parents!

As if my day wasn't full enough yet, Collette and I continued the fun at the Crawfish festival in Old Town Spring.

It was definitely a cultural experience and there were TONS of people there. There were a lot of choices on what to eat. Anything sound good?

They had 3 live bands playing, and this Zydeco was my favorite I think. They had a country music one, and a rock and roll one.

Since neither Collette nor myself are huge fans of crawfish, we sampled some other great food. She got a turkey leg from the coolest food service guy we saw.

It was delicious. I got some chicken on a stick with fried rice - also great! We splurged and shared a fried snickers. It was SO GOOD! What a fun day!