I've had a few things happen lately at work that have just made me laugh.
Not so funny is the fact that I have a water leak in the ceiling right above my desk when it rains. The funny part is that when the Market Street people who own the building Merrill rents from found out they'd have to pay for any damaged equipment from the rain, they got right on fixing it. I came in one day to find my computer and phone covered in this trash bag. They also put rags all along that short side of my cubicle wall. Everyone enjoyed the decorations.
A few of the FAs in our office went to a training a few months ago. In addition to a lot of financial/market information, they also had a speaker that talked to them a lot about healthy eating and general healthy practices. One of the things he talked about was making quiet time to meditate each day. They really took it to heart. I walked by the Chappell's office and saw this much of Brent. It totally cracked me up. He brought his yoga mat from home.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Scott was doing sort of the same thing. He's on this roll thingy though. Neither of them knew I took pictures at the time, but I fessed up and they got a kick out of them.
Just a couple of days ago, we had a little "team huddle" by mine and Linda's cubicles. Brad was in the middle of something work related, when he said, "These socks are a little light for these pants." It caught us all off guard and when we saw the socks, it struck us all super funny and we couldn't stop laughing. Tears (of joy) were shed. Brad graciously posed for this picture showing the full extent of his light socks. I guess he was wearing something different earlier and when he changed, he realized he didn't have any darker socks with him.
During my lunch break on Wednesday or Thursday of this week, I went to Loft for a 50% off sale. When I was walking back to the parking lot (between Barnes & Noble and PF Changs) I heard my name being shouted. Dana Becker was a co-worker of mine and Susannah's at PFE. She was there at PF Changs eating out on the patio with her kiddos and her friend. It was good to see her. I don't think I'd seen her since Susannah's wedding reception!