Sunday, March 14, 2010

Adios, Julie!

Well, Julie's headed off to Alaska for another summer of fun. . . a little earlier than I'd like!
On Monday we had her official farewell party at the bowling alley. We dressed up in a "decades" theme - well, some of us did. It was a lot of fun. It was not my best bowling day ever. We had some Cici's pizza after that.
Thursday night Julie came over for our weekly dinner, Survivor, and ping pong match party. Julie had won for the last 2 or three weeks - 2 games to my one every time. This time . . .
I was the victor and I did it 2 games to none. I was pretty excited. Julie was NOT! She looks like a murderer in this picture.
Yesterday after a fun day with Kim, Wendy, and Becca, I stopped by Julie's to say my last good-bye before she left. Collette met me there. We just planned to stay for a few minutes, but Julie's dad cooked us some burgers and we ended up eating with the family. This was the girls' table.
The guys were chillin' over in the he man woman haters area over here.
It was pretty chilly by the time we got outside to eat, but Julie's dad offered $20 to anyone who would jump in the pool. Collette said she'd do it, but toward the end of the visit. During dinner, Julie's dad yells for Collette to look. He's got a $20 bill hooked to some sort of weight and he threw it in the pool. That was all the goading she needed. Here she is just seconds prior to the dive.
I videoed after that. You can't really see much, but listen to her reaction. I apologize now for the swear word that you'll hear. She didn't even know she said it. Apparently the water was pretty cold!
Here's poor Collette just after exiting the pool.
She's drying off herself and the money which was actually a $1! Tricky!
Don't worry, he paid up!
I'll sure miss Julie! Hopefully I can make my way up to Alaska for a visit this summer!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I MISS ALONA! Thanks for posting these. You're great!