We had quite the hail storm here on Friday.

We had some pretty good sized hail. Jen's holding this one. They got bigger than this too!

This was one of the bigger ones we found. It wasn't quite as big as a ping pong ball, but it was close. Susannah's car got caught in it. She chose the wrong time to make a Wal-Mart run. She got a couple of dents.
I shot this video in the back yard. It was pretty loud. I'm glad we didn't have more damage!
Those storms last week were intense! I totally know someone who fixes hail if Susannah wants to fix the dents. He is my brother in law. :) It was fun to see you in the hall today at church (even though it was only for a few seconds.) Have a great day!
Wow, that's crazy. We had a ward campout and we were worried it might cause probs but I think it passed us quickly.
Awesome! We woke up to snow here this morning...weird! Luckily it's gone...I'm ready for spring (not summer though)...but more ready for October 3rd, ugh!
I just read your previous post and laughed out loud at the "shaky face" pictures! Where is yours?
Julie - it's seriously too ugly! I almost throw up when I even see it!
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