Monday, July 25, 2011

Back in Moscow

I couldn't miss out on another visit to Moscow to see Adam, Susannah, and of course little Evie!
My GPS took me the scenic route toward the end of the trip.  I ended up on several dirt roads that took me out over several hills.  It was a little sketchy but beautiful!
This picture was actually from my previous Moscow trip, but I forgot to put it in.  Adam and Evie had picked some flowers from a tree and I snapped this picture as she was "giving" me one.  I thought it was cute.
I think this was one of my last nights there, so it's not really in order, but I LOVED having her finish her nap on my lap.  We had to wake her up so she'd sleep that night.  
Evie loves bath time.  Susannah has found this easier than some other methods she's tried.
Brandon came into town to visit and the boys went out fishing so us girls went to the farmer's market, went out to lunch, went on a walk, and had a a great time.  Susannah snapped this one at lunch.
We liked how you could see Evie's reflection in the table.
The morning I left Moscow.  I love this cute little girl!
Susannah was so sweet and made us muffins and smoothies that morning.  What a great send off.  The only thing that made this parting bearable was knowing that I'll see them again in Hawaii in a week! :)


Susannah said...

Yahoo for visits and Hawaii!! I didn't get this pictures from you. If there are others that you didn't post, will you send em over?

Wendy Sue said...

Evie looks so cute in the yellow jammies. She looks cute in everything! I like the one of her sleeping on your lap, too. Enjoyed both of your posts.

deej said...

You know all you have to do is mention Evie's name and I'll be checkin' out that blog! And of course you never disappoint! Looking forward to some wonderful pics from Hawaii! You guys all have a great time!