Monday, September 24, 2007

Stake Road Show

Our Stake had a big Road Show on Saturday night. The theme was reruns. There were 9 wards altogether. Each ward picked an old sitcom and did a skit on it. A couple of girls from our ward (Kristin and Elizabeth) wrote a great script that included several shows: the Simpsons, The Office, Twenty-Four, and Everybody Loves Raymond. It was a big hit.

I played a psychiatrist/tv producer who starts our main character on a journey through all these tv shows. I started out looking like this. I progress to the picture at the bottom of this post.

Susannah played Marge. It was hilarious. That's her real hair with some high quality Halloween dye. Also pictured: Daniel (Homer), Blake (Bart), Maynor (main character), Sue, and Karisa (Lisa).

This was our final number with most of the "company."

Susannah and I both pose after the road show.

1 comment:

Kristal said...

I want to come hang out with you!!! BADLY!!!!! Come back to Az where the good times belong!! COME BACK!!!!