Most of us are pretty familiar with what's going on with the big polygamy scandal near San Angelo, TX.

Since my parents live in San Angelo, they're right in the middle of it. My dad is a bishop there and has been interviewed by reporters and has been on the news as well! The other day, we got an email from my Aunt in Salt Lake telling us that my dad and us girls were on the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune! I stuck the picture on below. You can obviously see my dad, but if you look closely, there are school pictures of Susannah and I in the bottom corners of the picture of Christ. Funny. If you want to read that article, click
here. You can also click
here if you want to read the one in the Deseret News. He's quoted at the very bottom of that one.

It's pretty sad that this picture is my claim to fame!
I'd say that's pretty famous. Just look at the 2 men who are in the picture with you girls. I'll bet that prophets and apostles looked at that picture!!
That's so neat!!!! I can even almost tell which one you are! Wendy
Alona, that is so funny that yours and Susannah's pictures are on that frame! I laughed right out loud. :) I love your blog. Thanks for sharing with me.
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