Monday, June 16, 2008


This family in our area just had QUADRUPLETS!
They really tapped into the right source when they asked the singles ward to help pitch in with feeding and taking care of the babies. We all love babies and don't have any of our own. It works out perfectly! Here's Jen holding Cady.
Here are all 4 babies. They're now about 3 months old and SO CUTE! L-R: Haley, Cady, Nikolas, and Nathan.
Here I am with Nate. They way they have it set up to volunteer is FANTASTIC! I don't know if all wards use this, but if not, pass it along. Click HERE to see the care calendar.
Here are Susannah and I helping out another day. What fun service!


Anonymous said...

You guys look really happy to be handling babies.

Kristal said...
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Kristal said...

ah, that sucks