Friday, December 4, 2009


For the 3rd time in the 8 1/2 years that I've lived here, we got snow! It started pretty close to 8:00 am. It just quit a few minutes ago, and has been on and off all day.
Since most of the excitement happened while I was at work, I had my kids say it! This is how many I had left before I took them to music. 5 left during that time, so at the end of the day, I was left with 7!
This is what the kids looked like just before I filmed the video above of them. It was really cute to see how excited they were. They did get to play in it this morning. I did make them take their spelling test first, though! :)
Some of my teammates were at least, if not more, excited than my kids were.
After we dismissed the kids (an hour early) our principal had us all come out for a staff snow picture. Janelle and Tim kept throwing snow at everyone. It was hilarious. After the picture, I threw a snowball at Janelle - a little too well. It was heading straight for her face, a little harder than I meant it to be. Luckily, she saw it and deflected it! Whew!
My house looked nice and cozy when I got home.
A couple of the neighbor girls were building a snowman. When they finished, they planned on having a snowball fight.
We got the tomatoes and other garden veggies covered. I put some Christmas lights under there so they hopefully won't freeze tonight!
Look how high the snow got on the fence. This was a pretty wet snow. I wish it would have stuck a little better. No complaints, though. It's nice to see the white stuff once and a while!


Jessica said...

How fun! I am kinda wishing the weather would be nicer in and around Texas though...Beau is driving in it!

Your house looks so beautiful! I hope your tomato plants make it out alright!

Mom said...

If only kids knew that adults were just little kids in bigger bodies!! We got snow too, though it's not quite as noteworthy as when Houston gets it. Dad's still trying to keep our tomatoes alive by covering them. He'll be very proud of your resourcefulness in using Christmas lights!

Arthur V. / Gene D. W. said...

love your pictures. Merry Christmas to a lovely and talented neice.

Jennifer said...

And I missed it all!!!!! THANKS FOR covering the garden.

Westover Bunch said...

Snow is the best! You are such a fun teacher!