It's time again for our annual Houston YSA Luau. Our ward was in charge once again.

Sort of a change this year, was that they got a real pig. As you can see, it's not very big, so we still had a bunch of roasts that were cooked as well.

It was quite the ordeal to get it on the spit. I took a lot of pictures which look pretty gross now! It smelled good out there while this was roasting, though!

Here's Scotty already to do the Haka!

Here's the finished pig. I think it was more for show during the luau. Don't worry, though, I'm sure it got eaten.

Here are some of the fabulous servers.

There was a good sized crowd there - around 400 people!

Nikki did the Tahitian number with me this year since Susannah is now a resident of Idaho. She was kind enough to let Nikki borrow her costume.

We wanted to take a few pictures before our dance so we wouldn't be all sweaty! :)

We had to take a hip shaking picture before our dance.

Nate showed up just before the performances started. He brought Katherine's brother, Ricky, who was in town to help her out with stuff on her house.

Here are some of the guys doing the Haka.
My dance turned out pretty okay. For some reason, I can't get the video on here. If you want to see it, check it out on my
Facebook profile or come visit me! :)
Nikki looks like a good replacement...dang it!
Wow, I didn't know you were so talented. How come you never did the dance for me? :)
Wow, I didn't know you were so talented. How come you never did the dance for me? :)
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